( Professional Program )


A comprehensive course which elaborates every feature of custome fashion in detail. Starting with conceptual-oriented learning, you will gain solid knowledge of the most prevalent common standards in terms of the application of fabrics, models, decorations and finishes during certain critical periods in the history of fashion. The practical part of this course then involves accurate technical reproduction of ad hoc sketches in which you will take part to invent and put together an exclusive costume collection. 

Course Contents

History of Costume

History of Theater

Fashion Drawing

Figurine & Chromatology

Modern and Ancient Pattern making

Fabrics & Materials Analysis

Hand & Machine Sewing Techniques

Technical Data Sheet

Classic Embroidery

High Fashion Embroidery & Manual Arts

Location & Duration


( 1600 Hours )

Duration : 

  • Jakarta : 7 Months (5 Months + 2 Months Grace Period), 600 Hours
  • Milan : 10 Months (8 Months + 2 Months Grace Period), 1000 Hours

Attendance :

  • Full-time (9am – 12pm and 1pm – 4pm, Mon – Fri)